
2011年7月27日—IamtryingoutaRESTfulAPIthathasOAuth.IhavetheAPIbaseUrl,theAPIkeyandtheSecret.IsitpossibleformetohitthatAPIthrough ...,2023年11月7日—TheXMLHttpRequestmethodsend()sendstherequesttotheserver.Iftherequestisasynchronous(whichisthedefault),thismethodreturns ...,2020年9月17日—FirefoxSendletsyousendencryptedfilestoanyonewithaone-timeuselink.,2019年3月14日—Iamcurrentlymigratingachromeexte...

Hitting RESTful API through firefox

2011年7月27日 — I am trying out a RESTful API that has OAuth. I have the API base Url, the API key and the Secret. Is it possible for me to hit that API through ...

XMLHttpRequest: send() method - Web APIs

2023年11月7日 — The XMLHttpRequest method send() sends the request to the server. If the request is asynchronous (which is the default), this method returns ...

Send files to anyone securely with Firefox Send

2020年9月17日 — Firefox Send lets you send encrypted files to anyone with a one-time use link.

Using runtime.sendMessage API from webpages

2019年3月14日 — I am currently migrating a chrome extension to firefox by using mozilla's webextension-polyfill library. The problem is that firefox addons ...

A fully featured Firefox Send API client written in Rust.

A fully featured Firefox Send API client written in Rust. This repository is still being worked on, and this documentation is not finished yet.

A new API for submitting and updating add

2022年3月17日 — The (AMO) external API has offered add-on developers the ability to submit new add-on versions for signing for a number ...

How to manually send HTTP POST requests from Firefox or ...

2011年1月25日 — It's a simple, but effective, command line tool. REST implementation test commands: curl -i -X GET curl -i - ...

Using the Notifications API

2023年11月20日 — The Notifications API lets a web page or app send notifications that are displayed outside the page at the system level; this lets web apps ...


This extension allows you to send tabs to other Firefox instances using Firefox Sync. It only sends the URI and title of the page, nothing else.

Push API - MDN Web Docs

2023年10月25日 — The Push API gives web applications the ability to receive messages pushed to them from a server, whether or not the web app is in the ...